Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bible Story Songs In Kreyòl...

I was searching the Southern Baptist's International Mission Board website for missionaries in Haiti because I really want to get a group together for a short term mission trip. Anyway, I happened upon something really fun for those of us adopting from Haiti. These songs sound really cute for kids!

On the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, "tap-tap" drivers entice passengers with the sounds of traditional Haitian-Creole music. From the seats of these Haitian taxis to the fields of rural Haiti, traditional rhythms ring out.

Recognizing the essential role of music in Haitian culture, Goodwin and her colleagues are using traditional rhythms to teach chronological Bible stories. Since 2003, IMB missionaries and national believers have worked together to record a series of 40 Bible songs...

One way to spread the Gospel even farther than missionaries can take it is to give it to Christian drivers who will play the cassettes in their vehicles, explains Mark Rutledge, IMB missionary. "The music sounds very much like music they're familiar with," Rutledge said, "but the words are God's Word."

Here are three that were on the website - click to play:

Monday, September 24, 2007

Pouty Face...

We received our monthly report today. I'm a little sad because we didn't get an update on where we are in the process. We've assumed we made it into IBESR based on the last report but haven't gotten confirmation on that. He's been healthy and plays really well with the other toddlers. It also said that he always has a smile (except for the instant they snapped this picture, I guess) and that he eats, drinks and sleeps well. He rarely cries (the kids here at home could learn a thing or two from Asa) and he is starting to talk more!

I can't wait to see him!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

An Album For Asa

Asa's Album
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Thursday, September 20, 2007

We Give You Glory

He alone is worthy!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Some News...

What does this...

have in common with this?

Way down there in a post dated April 23rd, I mentioned the first inklings I had that we should adopt two children. Jim was a bit more hesitant since, as the sole bread-winner, he tends to think in more... practical terms. We continued to talk about it a lot, though. Okay.... I'd talk and he'd (somewhat sceptically) listen and nod at appropriate times. We eventually left it at this: if a little girl around age four or five came into the orphanage, we would prayerfully consider it and see if we could maybe swing the cost of another adoption.

Things have changed a bit. And I'm not going to tell Jim's story but he has a pretty amazing testimony - maybe (if I can convince him) he'll share it here one day.

Once we decided we could and should add another daughter to our family, we found out that if we were to do so from Asa's orphanage... it could set his adoption back by a few months. We definitely don't want that. We want him home as soon as possible. BUT, our really sweet adoption coordinator had another idea. We have immigration approval for two children from Haiti and she said it was possible to transfer one of those to another country. And that we could do two adoptions simultaneously. YIKES. So we discussed it. The idea was appealing at first because it would cut down on some of the leg work and cost - she said we could have a dossier together in a week or two. But it could also mean two children coming home within a few months of each other (Asa would not necessarily be first). And, while I'm sure it can be done, we really want more time for the first child to bond/attach/adjust before traveling to bring another child home. We can be patient. The plan is to begin the next adoption later next year, so Asa would be home for 6-12 months before our new daughter would arrive. It'll mean a little more money, work and another wait, but we're excited about these new plans. Jim told me yesterday that he actually likes gathering everything for the dossier (thank you, God, for sending me such an organized and methodical husband - I am so undeserving).

If you get a chance, read the very first post I ever wrote on this blog. Our precious son is in Haiti. And Jim was right, too. ;o)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Positive Update...

We received another forwarded e-mail from our agency:

Dear friends of Haiti,

As the volunteer chairperson of the Haiti Caucus of the Joint Council of International Children’s Services, I am thrilled to be able to relay the following message from JCICS to everyone who cares about the children of Haiti:

Based on our recent dialogue with all stakeholders, Joint Council has learned that an announcement is very likely, within days, of a positive resolution to the current issue surrounding Haitian court decrees. Joint Council extends our appreciation to all Member Organizations and adoptive families for their dedicated efforts in resolving the issue and protecting children’s right to permanency.

Your voices were heard! Thank you to all of you who called on behalf of our waiting children. I will post an announcement of the final resolution as soon as it is issued.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Children of Cite Soleil

This is the harsh reality of a Haitian slum. I really don't even know what to say.

But... I love this organization's concept. It's not a Christian charity (which is all we'll typically support) but their donation process is really cool. A child could use their $5.00 allowance to buy baby bottles or a family could forego Christmas gifts and pick different items to donate (concrete block, HIV medication, diapers etc...). It certainly personalizes the whole process and I can see how that would be very appealing to people wishing to do some good.

Check out their website: www.wecanbuildanorphanage.com

Thursday, September 6, 2007

URGENT - Please Help

This was forwarded from our adoption coordinator:

Dear friends of Haiti,

A bureaucratic nightmare has forced the stoppage of Haitian children from receiving their U.S. visa and joining their forever families here in the U.S. A simple phone call from the U.S. Department of State to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security would quickly and easily resolve this situation. To date, no such phone call has occurred and Haitian children continue to suffer needlessly. We are asking everyone with a heart for Haitian children to rally together, make some noise and help our children find their permanent, safe and loving families. What can you do? Make four simple phone calls.

1. Call your U.S. Senator.
You can find your Senators' phone numbers at:
Ask to speak with the Legislative Director or Chief of Staff

2. Call your second U.S. Senator.

3. Call your representative to the U.S. House of Representative.
You can find your representative at:
Ask to speak with the Legislative Director or Chief of Staff

4. Call the Congressional Coalition on Adoption
Their number is 202-544-8500

When should you call? Today, Thursday or Friday. For maximum affect, we are asking you to make these calls within the next 72 hours – sometime before the end of the day Friday. What should you say? Speak from your heart and give them the following information:

~ The Department of State has stopped issuing visas to Haitian orphans.
~ The problem behind the stoppage was fixed by the Department of Homeland Security. BUT, no one told the Department of State.
~ Your office must get involved and make the Department of Homeland Security communicate with the Department of State.
~ Your office should contact the Office of Children's Issues at the Department of State. Their number is 202-736-9090.

Can you explain the problem behind the stoppage? Here is some additional information…

~ The U.S. Department of State (the consular office in Haiti) is ruling that visas can not be issued to legally adopted children due to the absence of the words 'irrevocable and unconditional' in the Haitian parental relinquishment documents.
~ The Department of State is incorrect. USCIS has already resolved this issue and has been approving orphan status since June 2007.
~ Sadly, USCIS has not communicated the resolution to the Department of State. USCIS has already written a legal opinion that orphan status can legitimately be granted to these cases, but the Department of State and USCIS have thus far failed to communicate the information that will release the children.

We need to send the same concise message to each of these offices: there are legally adopted children in Haiti who cannot get Visas and come home due to the lack of communication between DOS and USCIS. Please act on this message yourself, and pass it along to anyone you know who has children waiting, has adopted in the past, or just has a heart for Haiti. Each adult member of your household can call separately. We need to depend upon sheer volume to get our point across so please call today!

From Beth - we believe that the issue will be resolved when Asa is ready to come home, but in the meantime, we must fight for these children who already have American families and who need to come home to them. Updated: I've spoken with a number of people so far this morning. The contact people for our congressman and senators seemed helpful. The woman with whom I spoke at the Congressional Coalition on Adoption was very sweet and said they had already received calls this morning (I only called at 9:20) and they were having talks/meetings regarding this issue today. Please call! And pray!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

In Less Than Two Months...

His cheeks are going to be worn out from kisses!! We just got this picture from another family who went on the recent trip. So I thought I'd share it, along with the official report that our agency forwarded from the orphanage.
Physical and Social Development:

It is wonderful to talk about this gentle small boy because he is so friendly and active. He is very wakeful and joyful. He is a child who doesn’t stop amazing everybody; he develops at all levels physically and mentally. He pays attention to the other children in order to learn from them like catching words, listening to their songs etc. His appetite is good and he likes drinking much milk and water.


For this month of July this little boy had a cough and fever. He has taken medicines to help him and now he is getting a lot better. His appetite is pretty much good and he has good sleep. He has not gained any weight; actually he still weighs 20 lbs.
(from Beth - he was 17 lbs when he arrived in May) His physical exams are good. The general state of his health is well-preserved.
We're making some changes around the house and doing some renovations to get ready for our Asa's arrival. Although it will be quite a while before we have him home, we're staying busy and feeling productive.