Monday, March 9, 2009

Papa and Asa

Are so cute together! When we first arrived at the creche, I told Jim that he should be the first to hold Asa since I've visited four times and Jim had never been before. When we pulled up to the creche, the two and three year olds ran up to the door. I had a feeling Asa would know Jim from all the pictures over his bed.... and he DID! He ran right into the arms of his big, bald, tearful daddy! They have really bonded well and Jim knows just how to make Asa (Asa Mack, Big Mack, etc...) laugh hysterically.

Today is our third day home and Asa is doing SO WELL! He is very talkative, happy and seems to take everything in stride (except the dog, and we're working on that). The kids are having a blast with him and they've come up with so many games to play together. Asa is learning and retaining quite a bit of English, already, and everyone loves his adorable accent. More pics, trip details and video to come....

10 of your thoughts:

Nadra said...

What a GREAT picture. So glad that you're home!!!

CG said...

Love that picture! Hooray for kids at home! Yeah, God! Thanks for posting this. I'll admit- I've been checking here a bit obsessively lately in hopes of finding photos. Pictures make it more "real" to those of us who are still waiting. ;)

Chris, Laura and Renee said...

Oh my! I have no words! So ADORABLE! Congrats!

Kathy Cassel said...

I just love that picture!

AprilC said...

So cute...can't wait for more homecoming photos!

Lara said...

Congratulations! Wow...what a wonderful picture of your husband and Asa - worth a thousand words!

Anonymous said...

I pray that everything continues to go very well! I am so glad to hear that his transition is going so smoothly. :-)

I am sure your family is in seventh heaven right now!

And, for what it's worth, we had major dog issues at first too!

Huge Congratulations from Tennessee!

Major Mom said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!! So glad he is bonding with daddy--Bella is really not into men. At All:(

Kimmie said...

Praise God...praise God, PRAISE GOD and BLESS YOUR HEART girl!

That Asa is a cutie...can't wait to watch him settle in.

I am so very happy for you friend!

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

Lori said...

I'm so glad that you posted that he knew who his daddy was. Those of us that are in the middle of this process still like to hear these things!

Congratulations on getting him home!