Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We're One Step Closer...

To bringing Asa home. We found out today that we were signed out of Parquet. There's still quite a wait ahead; more legalizations needed and offices through which our file must pass. But we're encouraged and, if it's possible, we're even more excited about beginning our new life with him.

7 of your thoughts:

Melissa E. said...

Oh, Beth!!! That is wonderful news!!! If I am so excited, I can't imagine how excited you all must be!!

Rachel said...

Praising God with you!!! How exciting!!!!

Major Mom said...

God is good, it's happening for you!!!!! Wooohoooo!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's amazing news!!

Thomas said...

Alright Beth. You seem to be a lucky charm for us. Keep plugging thru the system.

CG said...

Yay, Yay, Yay, Yay! Awesome! This is the best news I've heard all day! In fact, the best news I've heard in 24 days! I am SO happy for you!

Thank you so much, dear Lord, for bringing Asa a step closer to his loving family. Please move them through the next step just as quickly!

Kathy Cassel said...

Yay! We are still in and now that Gassant is out of office I don't know what will happen.